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cool levelpack :) but this should work lol

Very good level pack!


This levelpack was so good I remade one of the levels in bab be u (which is a fangame of baba is you if you've never heard of it.)

i’ve heard of bab-be-u yes :P out of curiosity which level did you remake?

I remade "Fishy Business". It used the custom letters to do the mechanic.

I used "BELLT" instead of fish however.

where do i put the files?

if you're using Windows, follow the section "install instructions" on the page. if you're using mac, uhhh... join the baba discord and post about it there. i'm sure someone will be able to help you

thanks! i found out before but still this will help people who are new to this kind of stuff.

(1 edit) (+2)

this pack is eXcellEnt!!

Edit: I've done a full playthrough 

I don't know why but this isn't working for me, I couldn't beat "fishy business" so I looked up a video of it being solved, I followed it step by step yet it didn't work.

link to image of solution that clearly isn't working:

(3 edits)

thanks for the info! just replayed it and yeah, it's definitely broken. after tinkering around in the editor, i've discovered that it's caused by a recent bug in the game that affects stacked text, and unfortunately there's no alternative ways i can make the level work, so we'll just have to wait for the bug to be fixed. i've messaged the developer about it so hopefully it won't take too long :(

overlap a hiden object of type "ba" named "text_i" on the is. now overlap a type "ba" object named "text_sh" with the "H" text

It is done.

Well, It is fixed in v477c


Does this also not use metatext? Or even FEELING? If so, wow.


it uses a tiny bit of FEELING! but no metatext - i find it too complicated to use without mods, so i opted into not using it at all.

remove any text object that isn't refering to an object,get an object. rename that object to whatever text object you removed,now change the sprite and color and type. now you have metatext to any non-object refering text object.